May 6, 2024

May 6, 2024

This week’s Positivity Project is Leadership focuses on the personal qualities of leads, rather than the practice of leadership.  These qualities include the ability to understand others and inspire them toward a common goal, the capacity to ease conflict and create unity, and the desire to lead other people.

On Saturday, May 4th, 2024, the Elk Rapids Cherryland Middle School Robotics Championship team “Revenge of the Ducks,” was invited to compete in the Forest Area Frenzy SRL Robotics Tournament. The Ducks competed in several matches and their robot held on strong and made it to the finals. They took 5th place out of 18 teams! The SRL program directors gave high accolades to the Ducks on their marketing efforts, which included their branded flags, stickers, chocolates, t-shirts and an awesome team video - making them stand out above all other teams.

Lunch Today:  Sloppy joe, seasoned fries, green beans

Lunch Tomorrow:  Soft beef whole grain tacos, refried beans shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes